What is Homologation?
Homologation is a technical term, derived from the Greek homologeo for "to agree", which is generally used in English to signify the granting of approval by an official Authority . This may be a court of law, a government department, or an academic or professional body, any of which would normally work from a set of strict rules or standards to determine whether such approval should be given. The word may be considered very roughly synonymous with Accreditation accreditation.
Prior to marketing and sales of motor vehicles, automotive systems and their components need to have type approvals according to the official standards of their destination countries. These standards aim at improving active and passive Vehicle safety, environmental protection as well as the quality of products and production process.
Regulatory framework In India.
The homologation process consists of several steps:
> Component approval (lamps, mirrors, tires etc)
> Component fitting to the vehicle (electric/electronic sub assemblies, car audio systems etc)
> Component fitting to the vehicle (electric/electronic sub assemblies, car audio systems etc)
> System approvals (breaking, exhaust emission etc)
> Whole vehicle type approval ( WVTA ) / Vehicle certification test.
For each item, the Indian authority chosen by the manufacturer will issue a system approval according to each applicable CMVR. Those approvals are based on test reports prepared by an officially recognized testing organization. Once all approvals are collected, the testing organization issues the report for the approval as a basis for the homologation certificate. This certificate is recognized in all Countries as mentioned in test Report.
The variety of vehicles concerned is very broad:
> Passenger car
> Commercial vehicles > Motorcycles
> Trailers